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Kootenay Life Obelisk

The Jagged Place

Year: 2024
Medium: Steel, stone and recycled objects
Price: $20,000
Dimensions: 14' x 3' x 3'


Karl Mattson

Rolla, BC

This iron city, landscape, dimension, is another one of Mattson's testimonies to the sometimes-bleak vision of mankind's complacent march into a future of uncertainness.


Living in South Peace Country in Northern BC, Karl Mattson was raised on the banks of the creek as a fifth-generation farmer. A self-taught multi-media artist, Karl's life has been fuelled by his compulsion to create and speak through art, which has always played a central role in his life. Karl's current explorations include large metal sculpture, and in particular, utilizing scavenged scraps and materials that surround his farm and community.


About Us

For more information on how to become involved in Sculpturewalk, contact:

Castlegar Sculpturewalk
PO Box 3586,
Castlegar, BC V1N 3W3

How Can You Help?

The Castlegar Sculpturewalk Society is a registered charitable non-profit. We welcome all donations to our program, which go into our general operating budget.

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