Wild Thing
Year: 2019
Medium: bronze
Price: $ 20,029
Dimensions: 33" x 4' x 12"

Heidi Hoy
St. Bonifacius, MN
Born in Indiana, Hoy obtained a degree in Studio Art from Hamline University and moved to Minnetonka, Minnesota in 1988. She quickly became involved in the Minnetonka Center for the Arts, offering to work for free with artist-in-residence Nick Legeros on the condition he would teach her everything relevant as a professional sculptor.
Hoy apprenticed in bronze casting while taking classes for several years, ultimately becoming a professional sculptor, and teacher, herself.
She is a stalwart of the Minnesota sculpting/arts community, and is understandably proud of sharing her acquired knowledge and experience with others learning the artistic skills of bronze sculpting and casting.
Hoy is primarily a figurative sculptor with her own unique, distinct style that veers towards impressionistic. Her favoured studies are the female figure and horses. Often she combines them in stunning, beautiful sculptures that always convey the joy of life and living.
Her entry here is impressionist. Wild Thing captures the inherent nature of a horse willfully expressing itself. Untamed in the moment, Hoy’s gorgeous piece has the mane flung in abandon, head bowed, its legs tight to each other. The tail is another flourish of implied joy, wild and spontaneous, strands spraying in every direction.
All of Wild Thing lends itself to its title. In glorious bronze, Hoy epitomizes and perfectly captures the spirit and lifeblood coursing through her equine work of art.